Benny Mailman's Podcast 42
Benny Mailman's Podcast 42
Random Stories! Welcome to my Mind... Watch your step! Peace and Love to All!
Hello Awesome Humans of Earth!
Wow! This took me a week to edit. I do have more time than money, but still, it was ridiculous. In the 4th Episode of Benny Mailman's Podcast 42 we board the USS Dubuque in Okinawa! We go to #1 Taco in Henoko, Okinawa, we travel with my mom to northern Japan, when my niece was born. I discuss the awesome Green Bay Packers, Rodgers spirituality, Brett Favre playing awesome in a bad season, and even a run in I had as a young Marine with an over enthusiastic scout sniper seargent aboard ship. I even discuss sharks and the ocean.
Sit back and enjoy my beautiful friends. I am going to enjoy the rest of this day with my wife.
Peace and Love to All!
Hello ladies and gentlemen and awesome people of Earth. This is Benny Mailman and the preview today we have for you well podcast that kind of goes in many directions. So I utilize the analogy of swinging on vines, which might bring up depending upon when you were born you might think of that was a childhood favorite of mine. In addition to the swinging on Vine analogy, which you will see why I use that analogy, I go from idea to story. Sometimes I don't even finish stories. A lot of times in this podcast, I go from one story, I don't even quite finish it and I try to come back to it, but I hope you enjoy the free thought and the freefall with it all enjoy this, there will be a story about me and a confrontation when I was in the Marines, when I was on the USS Dubuque out of Naha port in Okinawa, Japan, heading to Korea, and I had to deal with the scout sniper sergeant, who I did not get along with at all. So please sit back and enjoy. And I feel it is only fitting that I put the Marine Corps him on my last podcast that my friends I have many, many friends that were in the Navy. And although we did not see eye to eye when I was in the Corps, we see eye to eye out of the Corps. So now I feel that I am obliged or obligated to play a little bit of this naval tune for you. Haha, enjoy the podcast folks. And for the last four or five days I have been editing it and it still is not perfect, but this is what's coming out before I become Jack Nicholson in The Shining crazy with this editing. Editing is a beast and those of you who charge $60 an hour to do it. I think your undercharging Hello!, super cool. Awesome. Fantastic, magnificent humans of Earth. I am Benny Mailman. And this is Benny Mailman's Podcast 42. You are in the right place. Or maybe, maybe you're in the wrong place. You're like who is this dude? Well, most of you know, who have been listening. The podcast is doing pretty well. It is gaining some momentum, which is always nice to see. I was gonna say it's Oh, it's crucial. But maybe that's a word that gets overused, crucial. Maybe they're not really crucial. Anyway, today is Tuesday, June, I don't know ninth or 10th. I lose track because seriously, I don't think time really matters. The only time I like to be aware of is payday. Payday is a good day to keep track of other than that, as many of you know, or some of you know or part of you know, I am a teacher here in Siem Reap Cambodia, which by the way is exactly 12 hours ahead of Central time. So if any of you have queries or questions about the future, drop me a line. I'll let you know how it's going 12 hours ahead of Central time. Yesterday I was doing a reading with my students in which they read and I listen critique their reading and we're talking about sharks sharks are I don't really dig the ocean. I mean, I like to look at it. It's beautiful. It sounds cool. I've been in Thailand and walked on the beaches of Vietnam on the beaches. Vietnam has some gorgeous beautiful beaches. I was up in Hawaii on and also down in Nepal nhatrang and they were the beaches are flawless, they are endless. The water is warm, and the waves are just perfect enough to go out and get knocked about a little bit. I quite enjoyed my my time there. That's about as far as how Quantico when you start talking about sharks. We're doing the reading yesterday 300 to 300 and I am imagining that the teeth on each tooth I'm sure is probably the size of your head 300 of those teeth and guess what is not upper lower? It's like rows rows of teeth as you come scuba diving with us and I'm like, No, no, I'm good on the land I'm I'm good to see that sunset and that sunrise there was a time when I was in the Marines as you know a long time ago almost seems like several lifetimes ago and I remember we were in I think it was na port in Okinawa we had our full gear on we had our Alice packs and our m sixteens. And our helmets and mind you this was just training This was nothing serious. We're just I think we're going over to Korea actually. I've been on on ship over to the Philippines and over to Korea we're on our way to Korea never been on a ship the Marines coming on to a naval vessel the Navy and the Marines not exactly best friend I'm sure when we come on they're like day away so I know nothing about a ship at all i mean zero have no idea what its gonna be like so we're all standing there for a long time with our all this gear on and I the two things I liked the least when we traveled or had to do anything I didn't like the helmet and I didn't like the weapon they were both bulky the helmet when you walk would move around and then go over your eyes and the weapon was always dig into your shoulder or it was just hard to keep on while you had your Alice pack on like what's the Alice pack alone that would have been okay but you start adding accessories to that and it gets a little bulky here we are feeling bulky moving around and we board the ship the What was it? Oh, the USS Dubuque not to break away too far from this but the great outdoors where that guy is wearing that shirt that says I've been to Dubuque Oh, goodness, I think occurred Eric's and when I think of anything with National Lampoon, he was always really into that my friend Andy polyoma. Same very, very funny movies. I've been to Dubuque. Well, anyway, I'm on the USS Wu asked permission to board all of us. And they granted so we're going on board, I don't know what to expect, well, in my very near future was going into a hole on a ladder and climbing down that ladder to the next level. And then we would keep doing it too many times. I think maybe eight times, nine times, you're exhausted, you're sweating. One time I got stopped. And my friend just put his foot on my helmet and just shoved me down. So that I could keep going through he finally reached the bottom level. It's really weird because you're walking through all these groups of people and you're trying to respect them. And at the same time, there's 100 of you walking right through where they live doing their daily duties or watching TV or trying to take a break and you have to open these big metal doors walk through them and they're not it's not like a regular door. It's like a oval, and you have to fit through it with your pack and your helmet and your weapon. That's to say it was an ordeal. Finally get back to where our birthing Eris bunks are when you are in your bunk. If there is somebody above you, they're practically on top of you. They get in there, you don't have a whole lot of wiggle room. So I immediately assess the situation and grab the top bunk and was very happy that I did so we were with I was actually attached to a unit I was attached to fourth Marines. I forget the technical term. I know ta D is one but I don't think that was that we were loaned out to them. For our skills, communication. There are about three of them. And as luck would not have it, we were with the scout sniper and the sergeant for the scout snipers was a d i c k to the alpha level, he was that guy that if it was high school and he acted like that, people would beat him up. He was the D bag of D bags. I remember one morning where there's nothing to do on the ship but Marines feel that you need to be doing some Right, so they would find something that was odd because we were not really with that unit. So we didn't gel with that unit. We didn't know anybody in that unit. And we had to deal with a scout sniper Sergeant totally shaved head and one morning he get he gets up and he goes, if you're in the rack, you're wrong. If you're in the rack, you are wrong. Get up, get up, get up. And we're like, Well, okay, this isn't boot camp number one. And number two, kick it down like 1000 notches, my friends, and I looked at each other and said, this is not gonna be good. So anyway, we're on the ship, it's hot. There are these little vents you can open that lets the cold air come through. And it was really nice, except it didn't work for everybody in the birthing area of about probably 50. Guys, so we opened doors and the D bag if you remember him correctly, Sergeant sniper, right. He says if everybody cannot have the cold air, nobody gets the cold air or says so Marine Corps. If they don't get it, no one gets it. If they get it, everyone gets it. And I'm being nice about what I like trying to get his voice he be like, if you're in a rack, you're wrong. And then during the night, I reached up and pull down the it was a cylindrical a cylinder cover. So a circular cover and metal and I just pulled it out and set it on the floor. And we had cold air and everyone was like thank goodness somebody did. And in the morning, Sergeant sniper walks in and sees that on the floor and seats that we've had cold air all night. And of course he didn't. So of course he's a little peeved, a little angry in his little D bag style and building and constructing of his marine co or ego. And how did this get on the floor? How did this get on the floor? You know, it was the most amazing thing and he goes what I woke up last night and I saw that thing fall to the floor and then it just crawled underneath the rack. This did not go over very well with Mr. ego, Sergeant sniper. His name is gonna get bigger as we go along. As his ego was getting bigger. He did not like the response. The comical Benny mailman response that it jumped to the floor and crawled underneath the rack. Needless to say he had a talk with my Sergeant Sergeant really laid into me and said he could do this. He could do that. And I said yeah, but he's a dick. I said I'll listen to anything you have to say he is not in charge of me at all. 0% that that dude is in charge of me that little shaved head ego sniper surgeon can stay away from me. And I'm 19 not 20 I'm 20 years old and just apparently did not know my place on the hierarchy. I was held Lance Corporal so as a couple notches below Sergeant sniper, so let's just say leave it at tense between us. But soon we wouldn't be in Korea and then that that would change that he went to a totally different area. I never saw Sergeant sniper ego douchebag. Again, which is awesome. My apologies for the language. For those of you that might have sensitive ears. When I talk about the Marines, there might be a few words that come out that brings up a whole new area of me. So I have the spiritual part of me and a half the Marine Corps part of me I have the teacher part of me I have the ex Pat part of me and I have the humorous part of me which I try to include in every aspect when I was on ship on the USS Dubuque, an lpd. I don't even know what that stands for. But I believe that's what it was. And I would I would go up on deck and I would watch the sun rise out of the ocean, I would watch the sunset into the ocean, no land anywhere, nothing to be seen. No Island, just massive rolling water. And it was a beautiful thing to behold. So I do love the ocean. I think it's magnificent. I think it's powerful. I think it's mother nature at its finest. But I also think there are some big animals in there. There are a lot of things in the ocean that could take your life. I'm just not into those hearts. Somebody said in the book for my class, it said that you are more likely to get hit by lightning than you are to get eaten or bitten by a great white shark. And I told my students obviously more humans are staying on the land and going in the waters. I don't believe that that's a good analogy. I'm also more likely to get hit by a truck than eaten by a shark. Anything that happens on land that could be devastating to me is more likely to happen than if I go by the white shark which is never going to happen. I'm not going in there. I'm not going to the great white shark. I'm not going to go say hello I don't want my last and final screams to be bubbles floating to the surface a little rude a little blue. I don't know if any of you how old you are but there used there was a cartoon Where he would scream and Baba would go up and when the bubble hit the surface of the water than the actual sound would come out my bubbles float to the top here comes Benny's bubble. What is he saying that go bloop? Oh, shit would be the last thing you would say before a great white took a big old Trump and they say that great whites don't even like humans they don't like the way humans taste well 300 teeth big as your head three rows of them arranged in a manner to pacifically kill into prey. It doesn't matter if they take a bite just to see what your are. And they find humans disgusting. We're like, we're liver to take a bite. Oh, that is disgusting. But the problem is 300 teeth, the size of your head in several rows. It could be a mini bite. Could be you could be like some of those mini ice cream bites or something for the shark. But it just takes one small bite and half of you it's gone. But many people survive shark attacks and this is a good thing. I don't know the psychology of a shark. I do not profess to be the shark whisper in fact, I am the shark stay aware. I am the shark never want to see or never want to be confronted. They say that sharks bite hard down on the seal because they know it's a seal and they're killing it and they're eating it but when they bite down on the human, they're not sure what it is. So it's kind of like a soft bite. Soft bite is better than a hard bite. But the best thing is don't go in the ocean. I know there's a lot of really cool things to see. There's a lot of really cool things to see on land where there's not sharks or sea urchins or sea snakes or giant squids. There's something I mean, I have a friend who scuba dives a lot are used to dirt and he told me that he saw a 500 pound tuna under the water now is the tuna going to hurt him? No, but it's 500 pounds. How do you ever sleep again when you have a vision of a 500 pound fish and it was flapping its fins at him to scare him to say Get away from me. That would be enough to send me into cardiac arrest. I'm gonna be honest. Did the fish bite them now? He had like 30 heart attacks under the water I would be petrified I would be absolutely petrified about seeing a 500 pound fish deadly or not dead shark can be bigger than the school bus. No thank you. So the ocean the bottom line. Really cool. Awesome. Mother Nature. Beautiful fish. Octopus. Cool. By the way, if there are a few stories on Netflix or go to YouTube and watch documentaries on the octopus, wow. Talk about a brilliant amazing animal that has really it used to be like a shell fish right like a snail or they would have a shell and now it actually carries it they're very intelligent animals cat I won't go too far into the octopus. I've talked about sharks enough. I might have to title this one stories from the ocean stories from the Dubuque stories of the sergeant ego D bag. I'm gonna have to mark that square now there's a square on the when you load up your podcast there's a square that says is there adult content in here? Yes, I'm gonna check yes D bag is something I feel parents should not have to try and explain to their kids. Hey, Mom, Dad, what's a D bag? What's an ego? Thanks. Thanks for that podcast. Benny. Thank you. I'll be explaining stuff to my kid for the next half a year just over this one podcast. Thank you. I don't have enough money mailman. I'm working two jobs trying to keep everything above water. I'm very stressed out and now you say D bag and ego thanks. So I will check the box officially so that I'm covered and nobody comes at me and says man Why did you say that? Why would you say that? Why did you say that? I really don't talk a lot of sports on here like I'm I know people say hey, do a sports show. Do a comedy show do a very specific show. And I love that I'm not a very specific guy. I've got a lot of stories and a lot of different things. I've got my opinion some things I won't talk about some things I won't go into because I don't think it's right everybody has the opinion sometimes had opinions good for some people get a majority of opinions together and they say fact no, it's still just opinion. I am a Packer fan. And sorry if if you're from Chicago listening to this or Minnesota or Detroit, I guess do do they even care? Do people in Detroit care about whether their team adult I guess they want them to do well. We got rid of Stafford anyway talking about the Aaron Rodgers thing. It's very basic for me. I was born in Green Bay St. Vincent's Hospital. If you remember my first podcast, I was three pounds lost weight. So I have a place in my heart for Green Bay because they saved me from day one, two months in the hospital. Ivy's mom didn't see me for two months. But I made it here I am 240 pounds of proof that you can do you usually hear the stories of preemies or and people don't develop. I did okay 240 pounds and quite honestly it may be a little bit more than that. So I love the Packers. I remember my grandparents lived down Ridge Road about two miles from the stadium and they lived off a highview Lane close to this big park over there. And I remember my grandfather Eddie village chick fil a chick spelled with eight w w l ECYZK. The Polish rule supreme in my bloodline polish and Russian actually my grandfather took me which would have been 1975 me my brother and my sister, and he took us to Lambeau Field and we ran up and down in Lambeau Field having no idea of the history that was there. You know, Bart Starr Paul horning boy dollar boy dollar. I always said I always thought it was boy dollar boy, all the rain niche, all those great names right when we were just kids running up and down. Security was not a big deal. Obviously at that point. I just love the Green Bay Packers. It's odd because sometimes I ask myself, why do you love a sport where they get paid millions of dollars? Why are you invested in something you really have no control over and to me it's energy everything to me will come back to energy sitting in Lambeau Field 80,000 fans used to be 72,000 73,000 fans a warm day like one of those warm lucky days in November. Everybody's in the green and gold and cheering and there's just that feeling of this is Green Bay. This is awesome. There's a lot of history here. Small Town market, one of the smallest towns maybe the smallest town well respect there are named the Superbowl team Reggie white and brett farr Desmond Howard Andre ryzen was on that team. Just amazing. Awesome teams, great history. And so you have the thing with Aaron Rodgers right now. And man, I love that guy. Like he is amazing. He's temperamental, but who isn't at that level? I think some people are temperamental in their regular lives. But at that level, people ask me Well, what would you do? If Rogers went to another team? What do you mean what I do? I'm a Green Bay Packer fan. I would wish him well. I really would. I would want him to crush it wherever he goes until he met the path and then it's time for the Packers to crush it. Packers have a great team man. They did well on the draft. I think they've got some key players and we'll see I always wonder what would people say what if Aaron Rodgers goes to another team and takes him to the Super Bowl? What if Aaron Rodgers goes to another team in Green Bay makes it to the Super Bowl legacy? I wish the Packers the best and I'm always gonna watch the Packers packers are on and Rodgers is on on another team on another station watching the Packers obviously always 100% I always want to say this because now that I have this platform, there was a game that I watched Brett Farve play the year that about a year and a half that I lived in New York City Green Bay had a horrible year. I can't remember what it was. I think they won four games or six games. Not much. Brett Farve was out the home he was actually doing great, but the rest of the team not so much. They weren't awful to watch. I remember in New York City, I searched out a packer backer bar used to go to a packer backer bar with my friend Howard when we lived in Orlando had our bike taxi company down there that was a blast. That was a blast. That was when I still drank and powered could attest to the fact that I may have had a few too many when I was watching those games but when I went to New York City I searched out a packer backer bar and there was this place called kettle of fish way down past Fourth Street and somewhere around Bleecker or it's hard it's really difficult to find but when I did find it you went down some stairs into it which I thought was cool like you you're not walking up into a building you're walking down there's a really cool bar but it was so weird. It was in New York City and all the packer backer fans that were there were not the ones that I had known in Orlando that were loud and crazy and having fun. It was a party man I used to say I know some of my friends listening like Say it Say it when I was in college my friend Gilly Larry Brinkman Hoon in all those guys they I always used to say it's a freaking party but I used to say like it's a freaking party contact would say that it was like the official now it's on and we went out every night so once a night once I said that then that was the official stuff is going down stuff is happening. We're doing shots. We're playing games were at Dells bar where happenings you're going to run over to coconut Joe's brothers was like for Thursday's the library Every once in a while you would go in there, man, I just totally got off what I was talking about. It's easy for me to do. I am a very I follow a tangent of A string comes in, I grab it and I go with it. So anyway, I'll come back to that at some future date. So kettle of fish snap back. Everybody's wearing pea coats. Everyone's right. And when there was a touchdown, I would want to scream and yell like the Orlando fans, there was nothing where there was like a smattering of high fives and not good. Take your shoulder out of its socket type of high fives. Regular high fives, right. Hey, good job. Yeah. Oh, that was a touchdown. Good job. All right. Could you pass the milk? This is not my scene. Now remember I came down in I was sitting at the bar and this lady goes total New York style you have to move out of that seat because it's reserved well I was actually born in Green Bay I feel like I should be given a seat joking around totally not at not a hint of seriousness in my voice and she looks at me and she goes Packer fans think you're so entitled. Like what was that? That year? the Packers did terrible but I remember watching a game I believe it was against the Panthers rep far he didn't win that game but it was not because of him you go back and watch that game. I have to think it's around 2006 probably 2007 somewhere in there. brett farr single handedly brought that team almost to a win it was incredible and my heart was so happy for him like hey they did not give you anything to work in here you are bringing this team back like he was a gunslinger totally different from Rogers in the style and approach like yet look at the two magnificent quarterbacks Green Bay was able to have back to back when would that ever happen again people can talk about Super Bowls while how many Super Bowls while the each 11512 to the final grand trophy cannot be How about all the teams that haven't been there all the guys that worked so hard granite you could say well they get paid well yeah, but they're still beating themselves up they're still getting crushed they're still just like musicians when people say all musicians I wish I was a musician maybe maybe you would get in there and see the pressure and the ugliness and and fighting your way through and fighting for what you want. Look at print Look how much trouble he had he changed his name to a symbol change his name to a symbol and made it into an Eminem song. Ever since Prince turned himself into a symbol tell him that song you can see my mind it just it travels I'm thinking mmm now I actually bought the m&m curtains maybe curtains curtains down or curtain call. I think it was I bought it because of my niece Megan love her so much. I think she's going to be 30 this year 3029 or 30? Not 30 she will be 30 this year. Wow. Weird, right? I was there when she was born. She was born in northern Japan Misawa Air Base where my sister was stationed and I was in Okinawa so we weren't that far apart. I jumped up and I was there the day she was born. And now she is going to be 30 which makes me feel entirely Oh, and now you see I did it again. I am on the tangent. I'm grabbing strings and I'm like Tarzan on the vines. I am just swinging and grabbing and going and I don't know where I'm gonna end up. I don't even know where I am right now as I look around. I'm swinging on this vine this Megan born in northern Japan. I'm swinging on that vine we went to have to know hey, my mom came all the way up from Wisconsin. My dad inherited when his father passed inherited this car that's Thunderbird mint condition don't look at it. I don't want your eyes to ruin it type of my dad but held that thing in very high the highest regard some days you would question Does he like that car better than me? Maybe that was a possible truth. He sold that car what a guy sold that car so that my mom could get a plane ticket My family is not wealthy sold that car so my mom could get on a plane and go and be with her daughter when the first grandchild their first grandchild was brought into this world and northern Japan Megan Austin, my lovely knees. I'm gonna grab another vine. You ready? I'm grabbing another vine. I'm swinging in another direction Meghan and I we were in a store and Black River Falls Wisconsin that has everything one of those stores that if you want it it's there. And we were in there and we found a cowbell and we did a little video more cowbell and she was holding the cowbell and I'm like I've got a fever and the only prescription is more cowbell and she rings it was just the coolest video put it up on Facebook when hardly anyone liked it. To me, I like the silly ridiculous humor and I loved it and I can still see her smile her beautiful smile and ringing that and now she's a mom things in life that will make you feel old. So I have can I find my way back on the vines Can I swing back in my path? what I was talking about. I might have to go through this And then finish every story that I started telling you and then going into another direction so I started out with kettle of fish talking about the smattering of applause I was on brett farr in Aaron Rodgers both studs false the Hall of Famers. I don't know what's gonna happen with Aaron I love his spiritual path. Obviously, I have not delved quite into my spiritual self that much on this podcast, but it's come I've got stories that deserve their own area. I don't quite want to throw them in with these awesome funny stories. It's difficult to traverse a spiritual content go into it a freakin party. Got to say that talk about Dallas, Gilly the Raptor and then switch over to I was feeling this certain vibration and the sky opened and the sun came through and a small bird landed on my shoulder. It gave me a message wake up. It's difficult to to go between those Marine Corps stories. I then forget about them, but sometimes you pack them away. I don't exactly have a lot of people over here in Siem Reap Cambodia that I can talk to about these stories because they would fall short translation barrier. I think there's still things I say and my wife says yes. And in her head she's like I don't know what the hell he just said. I think that's still that's still happens and we've been together for five years now. Aaron Rodgers your spiritual path. I know I know Aaron Rodgers is probably listening to this podcast. He's he watches Pat McAfee and then he comes over and listens to Benny Mailman podcast 42 directly and takes no USS Dubuque. Okay. masala You know what's funny is I still remember some words some Japanese words for and that would have been 9192 at Sui hot Samui cold benjo is very important. benjo benjo means toilet. I remember my friend Keith and Mario Valdez, we rented. We rented a car one day I had to use the bathroom and I'm like benjo bento a very important thing to remember. benjo height means yes, dozo means please Oh, height dos. Oh, yes, please. I those Oh, hi, those. Oh, here's your Japanese language addition to my podcast. You don't know where my podcast is going to go folks. You know why? Because I don't know. I don't know where this thing's going. I've swung on so many different vines right now that I'm totally completely I will re listen to this when I edit it and I'll be like, Whoa, wow, a lot of times you are not the only one that surprised or befuddled as to my style or my direction or how my thoughts traverse and culminate into the words that are coming out of my mouth. No idea here either. So anybody remember the johari window JOH a r I was talking to my narrator Adam Trump about that about the johari window things that you know about yourself things you don't know about yourself things you know about others it but it's really interesting, but I always like the window and the part of the window that was things you don't know about. You're such a great and Stiller of confidence and I love to help my students understand how important they are. They are number one like you have to take care of yourself you have to make sure you're 100% your mental and physical and then that will give you that your foundation to move forward. I remember when I was an open our my friend said Camp Schwab right outside the gate was a small town called henoko. Now go you go out the gate to the right was Nago into the left was Sunoco noco. We could walk there we would walk to this place called number one taco my friends and Okay, we're going in here look like super old side worn from time old building. Most all the buildings here were quite old walked in. There's an old jukebox there. I mean, like push the button type j one zero, nothing fancy at all. Also, it did not work. While we were waiting for our tacos. I put money into that machine. Music did not play money was taken. Music did not play. And I was like, oh man, these are some cool songs. I can't even remember what they were. But I remember we walked up and we hit that little desk Bell ding ding ding about 10 minutes later, I could hear the shuffling of feet and this lady appeared she looked to be somewhere around 100 give or take 10 days took our order disappeared for an hour. One hour gone. I don't think she's coming back. I told my friend of mine she is God. She's not coming back. Eventually she did show off and if you can believe it in 1991 in northern Okinawa, I had the best tacos I have ever eaten in my own life. Now have I been a kind of sore a purveyor of tacos in my life? No, but I do love good food. And I have to say Those that lady in northern Oakland Allah made the best tacos number one taco noco I doubt that it's still there. That was what 9020 years ago 30 years geez 30 years ago wow I am not you know there I'm talking to you all and and making myself feel quite old 51 three pounds lost weight two months in a hospital St Vincent's Green Bay Wisconsin CUT TO 2021 51 years old 240 plus sounds happy, stable. You know, I've reached a point in my life that is the most stable I've got an amazing, awesome caring beautiful wife with jack and coffee every morning never misses takes good care of me. I take good care of her. And that seems to be a really good plan seems to be working out quite well. Happy content. Lotta Love. All in Siem Reap Cambodia. I'm loving it folks. I'm loving it. You may notice on my podcast the new I had the mountain before now I have the cow that is a Cambodian cow there's a specific name for it but I forget what that is. But that cow Okay, so let me tell you that story. I was going to the gym when I first got here I was on my way to the gym dropped my wife off at work and that cow was sitting in the field by itself looking at me and I swear I stopped I'm looking at it that thing is going to start talking I really have that energy vibration like this cow is going to give me some messages looking at me it looks like cow Sage absolutely what's going to call out my future Tell me where I'm at telling me things about the universe that even Stephen Hawking didn't know about this cow was connected connected to the universe and beyond other universes other galaxies it was going to fill me in on all the information whether I liked it or not. Whether I wanted to hear it or not that cow was getting ready to speak to I took its photo number one day you're going to be famous man. Just a really interesting moment. Take time when you see cool thing take time, man. Stop for a second pull over to the side of the road. Take a photo breathe. Look at the beauty that's everywhere. It is everywhere. Turn off the news. Oh my goodness, the news is awful. And if you don't watch you can ask people who stopped watching the news or got off Facebook or whatever it is. They will tell you life is better put down your phones for a little bit but finish listening to this podcast. I'm like man people I hope they love this. I always hope just find people that will eventually I will meet you someday and like we'll be best buds and we'll talk and we'll hang out but this is also a good barometer as to whether you want to be maybe you listen to me and you're like that That guy is ridiculous. Or maybe that guy's funny. I want to listen to more of his podcast whatever that may be cool cool cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. That's one show I like what is that Brooklyn nine nine Brooklyn nine nine with Terry Crews awesome everybody on that cast awesome great comedy written so well written so well to my two of the shows if you want to know what shows I watch that I have really enjoyed I love their writing would have to be Modern Family on believable brilliant writers they're I don't know who they are but Modern Family amazing. Brooklyn nine nine amazing writing the jokes they're on it like it's fun to watch and to get their little I remember watching mash when I was young and realizing that mash although controversial scenes. Some of them they really filled every second every moment with humor whether you got it or not Honeycutt, Alan Alda, there was Hawkeye Winchester Potter. Remember Colonel flag. Colonel flag Frank burn. I remember Loretta swit What was her name? sweet lips or something hot lips hot lips. hoolahan Klinger radar man what a group and every second was filled with humor or the opposite was either humor or very serious and sad and contemplate it Henry Blake Henry Blake, they said that when the people in the episode did not know that Henry Blake was going to fly back in the plane was going to get shut down and they said there was actually quite a feeling of sadness among the crew even though it's just a show but it was their show. It was a character somebody they interacted with for a while and his storyline went back to the US and then he got shut down. It was a very sad sad moment but what his show but those are my Those are my favorite shows. My watched queens Gambit was awesome. You know what I love is lately I go out in my I'm working with my book or I'm doing my podcast or I'm working on my website, whatever it may be, and I'll go outside and my wife is watching hard to kill with Van Damme she's watching that and they are just the ridiculous fight scenes at the end in a movie. When somebody gets hit in the head with a crowbar and then they shake it off, you don't shake that off. But that's what movies suspend your reality. There's a lot of things I didn't like about movies growing up to unbelievable but when Rambo jumped off the cliff and fell 1000 feet into a tree and he only had a cut on his arm that he had to sew back up, I believe that I believe that so I guess it's just what you're willing to put your imagination into what you're willing to believe in order to appease your perception of things, what makes you happy, what puts you in that spot where you're the happy place Alright, this is coming to an end I'm sure I'm already at looks like coming up on 56 minutes.