Benny Mailman's Podcast 42
Benny Mailman's Podcast 42
Welcome Back! ... to Myself! Book 2 Mind-Melt Edit and Updates! Peace and Love To All
Hello, fantastic people. Where have I been? This is Benny Mailman saying my incredible apologies. For the hiatus, I was melting my brain on my book to review. I am back. That was three weeks of six hour days. I will explain it actually, in this podcast. And there will be an immediate podcast on the heels of this podcast. Why? Because you deserve it. And you're awesome. This first podcast we'll talk about the book, and the editing and a little bit about the Olympics. I'm thrilled and thrilled to tell you about something that's coming up some changes that have happened. I hope you enjoy the podcast. Much love from cm reap Cambodia. Benny Mailman saying welcome back to myself. Readings super awesome, cool, magnificent humans of Earth. This is Benny Mailman podcast 42. And as you may have gathered, I am Benny Mailman because who else would do my podcast that would be again, as I have said in the past would be strange. If somebody else was doing my podcast that would mean I am super duper famous. And like people on the news that are super duper famous, they have people sit in for them on the weekend so they can have some time off. I don't really need time off. I have a lot of time during the day or right now. So the big question on everybody's mind in the United States in the world. Why is Benny Mailman his podcast? 42 coming out late before I address that question I love when I watch television from the US and I love the Pat McAfee show, I think it's a great show. And he says everybody in the world is on edge about Rogers or something. It doesn't really matter who you're talking about. Trust me, the world is not on edge stop using the world. Because for the world, what you actually mean is the United States. And while I do love the United States served in the Marine Corps. As a traveler, I have realized that there are a lot more cultures, a lot more people than the United States. And they are not all hindering their future prospects on whether Rogers comes back to the Green Bay Packers. The truth is once you leave the United States, nobody gives a rat's butt about American football. And if you find anybody that even knows that sport exists when you leave the United States, it would be an amazing moment in time, but definitely everybody in the world that's wondering why my podcast 42 is coming out late. I am here to tell you folks I have been melting my brain for the last three weeks look to my book too is in the works. I have hired a professional man, this guy is so good and he's very spiritual right along the same lines as me and it has been a joy. He had my book, which started out at 83,000 words longer than most books. He had that book for a month. And then he handed it off to me and said check it out. See what you agree with see You don't agree with that took me three weeks of about six to eight hours every day I had to do it in shifts. I would get up in the morning, drink my coffee, play My Words with Friends, watch a little bit of TV, put the jazz channel on YouTube and chill out for a little bit and then head into the room where I am right now. Get on this computer and start editing, agreeing, disagreeing, accepting, not accepting and a little something that happened along the way folks, I added a new dimension to the book. I did not know a new dimension was even possible in a non fiction journey where I am telling you about my journey and all the awesome magnificent soul connections, spiritual happenings and just adventure pure adventure. It was very exciting. very adventurous in I met the greatest people made the greatest contact saw the greatest land. Book Two is the western end of China, the Yunan province, Li Zhang Dali by Asia, down to Khun Ming and then into Vietnam at the North stop ha, the Saba Valley, very beautiful and amazing place gorgeous. Then I would travel through Vietnam to Hanoi, go to Halong Bay where I would meet the magnificent Sophie Porter and FIU. And then we would head down to hoian who way and I was by myself for a little while and then headed into nhatrang had a great time in nhatrang spent a lot of time there some great stories, hilarious stories, sad stories, art breaking stories, all in one place from there. In Book Two, I would head into phenomen pen, and then get to the Temples of Angkor Wat where I currently live. I don't actually live at the temples but I live in the same city cm rate again, wonderful stories of connection of love of amazing past life happenings. So now you're saying well past life, some of you are like, that's a little crazy. I am a little crazy. I don't mind it. I don't mind coming out and saying hey, I have faith in how I feel. I have faith in my energy. I believe my energy I believe my intuition. After cm rape got on a luxury bus with some Swedes. I met them on the bus. It was not a luxury bus. It ended up being a very the worst transportation I have ever been on in my life. I discussed that in the book. And if the Swedes are listening max Frederick or Oscar they will agree with you. And I'm sure they have told stories about that luxury bus down into Phnom Penh and then up into Lao and then the buckles in Lao from the 4000 Islands of dawn debt kayaking, seeing waterfalls, seeing young kids with dirty faces trying to sell you souvenirs made. They were very apathetic. They did not actually want to sell you anything. They just wanted to play with their friends, as cool kids should do from Donda. I went to poxy ran into the Swedes again, and I kept running into them throughout Lau great, great guys. Matt actually spent some time in Michigan so Max was a Detroit redwings fan, a Detroit Lions fan so I could actually talk to somebody on that side of the world about American football which is it was a blessing. The Swedes, anybody that comes into your life and they're awesome. They're a blessing. Absolutely 100% within their in your life for 10 seconds. They say hello. They make eye contact and smile. They say thank you, how are you doing? Or they're in your life like your mom and dad or your siblings blessings all blessings are so that book I go from paxi up into Vang vieng amazing actually vn tn, the capital city and then van VM amazing cave to where by accident, just super cool events in Vang vieng and then up into Luan probem, where I would have a lot of fun run into the Swedes again watch the Super Bowl ravens versus the 40 Niners that is when my journey takes place, or took place and then From now on, Obama would head into Thailand and that is the end of book two as if the adventures weren't enough as if I did not put in my heart and my soul and my time over the last eight years of writing and editing getting this book out to print all of a sudden my mind said hey, there's another dimension here, there is something you could add that would make this magnificent even more magnificent. I already love the story this is a lot of effort in for the first time in my life, I can look at something and regardless if people love it or not, I know I have done my best. And it is, in my mind an amazing piece of art absolute at this moment, I am not going to reveal what that added dimension is. But I am willing to lay down a Ben Franklin that it will be some people's favorite part of the entire book. So that took me a little extra time. So in addition to the mind melting editing process add to that I was writing this whole new dimension, I added 5000 words to the manuscript in bits and pieces scattered like gold glitter dust into the manuscript, and I'm very happy with it. So that my friends that last 11 and a half minutes has been why this podcast is coming out a little late. I had absolutely zero creative energy left after I was drained from that book, but I was on a deadline, I had to get that book back to my editor, so he could do a second run through and as I thought would happen by adding 5000 words, I added some money on to the price tag of his services. And I found that to be absolutely 100% okay with that this guy is great synchronicity, this man working on my book, we get to talk while not talking but sending messages back and forth. Turns out his wife is from Pulaski, Wisconsin went to school with my cousin Tammy Morocco. And I found that to be a very synchronistic aha moment, there are certain people that come into your life and you find out certain things about them. And you say, Wow, this was meant to be I absolutely. When I went to look for when I went to look for editors, I did not see his name, I chose five or six or seven editors, they all got back to me it wasn't going to work out just like most things I've been on my own doing this by myself the entire time with no guidance and that is not difficult. So the learning curve has been steep, but I am I am getting there I am understanding a lot more about publishing who to go through I came back to that site. And there his name was I his name wasn't there before he must have been working on another project. I sent him a message and he came back to me and at the end of his email, it said peace and love. And I said wow, I always say peace and love. Those of you who have read my first book, know that at the end of every chapter, there is a peace and love and then a message I said this is the guy and then I find out later probably about a month later that his wife went to school with my cousin in the small town of Pulaski, Wisconsin, aka polka days, capital of the world. I'm just gonna keep saying the world because nobody is going to come in and say it's not the world and we are suing you that has been what has kept me busy adding this extra special dimension to book two. Book Two. I like to compare Book Two to an asteroid because it is dense, there is a lot of connection. There is a lot of love. There is a lot of adventure. There are a lot of insight into the world as I'm going along. I am so excited to get this out. And I if I were to give an estimated date right now I will have that book done and ready by mid August. I would say the chances of getting the book out in October right before the Christmas holiday season. Come and buy a book get a book for your friends and family. I have a lot more information on that. But right now I concentrate I'm a person who concentrates on what's right in front of me what's on my plate. People ask me what are you doing in a year I don't know what I'm doing in two months. I make tentative plans three months out but I never know if those are going to stick and with the way the world is right now with traveling and quarantines and different things kind of don't want to go anywhere do anything until we have the freedom to move about without having to sit somewhere for seven days or 14 days. So what else is going on? That has been the informational update on Book Two. What I did not tell you is that book one has been pulled from the presses. I'm not sure if I said that in my last podcast. It has been pulled from the process and I am changing and updating book one and adding a new brand new cover. It is an incredible cool guy. A Cool cover and a lot more attention grabbing I love my last one but it was a bit doll It was really add the water buffalo on there and the guy jumping off the rope and I really liked that concept. But then I said to myself, you need to add some color to that cover, change it up. So I went out and got a professional cover designer to do all three books in the series so that you can tell they are part of a series they belong together. But each one still has its own dimension. its own story to tell the Olympics are here July 23, a Friday in Japan. I am very excited for the Olympics. When I was a young boy, I remember I believe it was the 1980 Olympics watching that on a 13 edge black and white TV with my entire family in cataract Wisconsin in our log cabin home that wasn't even done yet completely. Dad had built it with his friends they came over and how much money did they want to help them beer and food feed us give us beer and we'll work all day and they did and they built that house. I remember my dad wanted me to help my brother Joe. He was really good with a hammer. So he could put the hammer in when we were doing the roof smack the hammer maybe once or twice and that nail was in in me I bent the nail, throw out the nail, pull out the nail and dad just said go help your mom. Go see what your mom needs help with because you are destroying this roof. Not that gifted with the hammer. But the Olympics to me. I love sport. I love American football. It's my number one sport, but I love sport competition. I will watch the playoffs or the championships are in the finals of any sport. Because I know what's on the line. I know what it means to the people involved whether it's badminton, American football, rugby, Australian Rules, football, basketball, baseball, the championships the playoffs are always a lot of fun to watch. There's a lot on the line. I was watching the American trials just to get on the team. And in addition to noticing the people that were celebrating and happy you notice the people that are right there, man, they are right there. They're on the cost. And they have that realization that they're just not good enough not that day. And for some of them I would imagine that their talents are amazing, but they fall just shy of being able to get in the Olympics. And I always feel for them sports movies are the only movies I ever tear up at sports movies. For some reason. I have something in my soul that understand sport competition and what it takes to get to that point when I was in high school I went out for wrestling Was I a great wrestler. I was terrible. I don't think I ever won a match. But what I loved about wrestling was the intense training the running the Sprint's the stairs and just keeping your body in the tip top shape and I really enjoyed that aspect of being involved in that sport. Knowing that I wouldn't have her I would absolutely never become a high end wrestler I just wanted but I loved it. And the guys that went out I still remember her Erickson, Terry Smith, Steve Campbell, Chris Buckley. So I love sport. I played baseball It was a lot of fun had an argument did not see eye to eye with my coach and so did not go out my senior year but I did love the sport. Had a great childhood friend of mine Pat Howard, who also played Jeff Rasmussen just great souls. Great guys a lot of fun baseball, great team sport went out for football, great sport, love it, but to see these Olympic champions try and channel their energy. Wow. And then you have that lady that tested positive for the mirror. Wanna Richardson that's a tough thing. I know, everybody that smoked marijuana is like, Hey, man, that's no reason to keep her off the team. And that is opinion. And you're welcome to that opinion. And I agree with you actually on that. But when there are rules, there are rules. There are real smoky over the line. She went over the line. It's very sad. I would have if they said she could compete. I would have been very happy. She's young. You've got to give. You've got to give some of those younger kids. I think she's 21 Come on, but the Olympics are the world coming together on a stage and you could have people from Russia cheating like they always do. Not a big surprise. You know, they are not the angelic nation cheated in those alone. I watched the documentary on how they cheated and got by it was extensive when somebody puts that much time and effort into duping other people so that they Can when why, how could you ever feel like wow, I really did it. No, you didn't do it. You cheated the Olympics. Fantastic, awesome, wonderful. My wife and I are very excited to sit down and watch those as they happen or on replay. The opening ceremonies, I'm sure are going to be fantastic. They always are. I actually work the Olympics in Vancouver, Canada, with my friend Rick and Primo. And that was a lot of fun just being around all those people. And I rode my bike taxi and we would give rides up and down those massive health, the torch was Down by the bay and everyone always wanted to go see the torch. And sometimes you would grab or get rides at the top of this hill. And you would start going down this hill and the only thing I could think of in my head as I had the mom and the daughter, and they're screaming their heads off and having fun, like wow, I hope these brakes work. I do not want to be on the front page of every newspaper around the world. Everything in the Olympics went awesome, fantastic without a hitch except Betty mailman dumped a bike, we were going so incredibly fast and you try to govern a safe speed but it's this is after the fact but it was a lot of fun. I had a lot of fun there. And that energy is palpable. So the Olympics coming up super duper awesome. I had mentioned something about doing a rap I have not gotten around to that. I am going to get in touch with my friend Adam Trump and see about doing that he is flying to Poland in a few weeks to be with his girlfriend. And I thought that is awesome. That is wonderful. So that means I have to get off my butt and work this out with him so I can get that onto here. I have just started a new semester of teaching here in cm reap Cambodia. My classes are wonderful, full of energy participatory. I love that word participatory. I don't even know if that's a word. But it's my word. participatory they are fantastic asking questions and really wanting to learn. And I find that a magnificent trait especially because we are still online and I know that is not the most fun learning experience to be online in person. I will always 100% go with in person over online always but online in lieu of not being able to have face to face classes is absolutely a godsend to be able to do that and still have that connection between the school and the students. And they are advancing themselves during a time that is still quite difficult for a lot of people in the world. So at this time, I would like to say to everybody have a a wonderful everything you are super, you are cool. You are awesome. I am sorry for the delay. I will have some more podcasts coming out very soon. I wanted to just get this information out. So you know that I am still here I have not left the building. Benny Mailman is still in the building. I just melted my brain for three weeks I'm booked to adding new dimensions and magical gold dust into the manuscript and I will be discussing more there's going to be more reveals I will have at some point reveal the covers what they look like and explain some of them to you right now I am working on getting book one back out along with the audio for book one which has been peacefully resting while I get all of this done. I wanted to get with a new publisher, my current publisher or my last publisher, I did not have access to my sales I did not know what my sales were and I found that extremely odd in weird that I would not even know what my sales so I'm getting with a company where I do know my sales and I get paid monthly not once every five months which I also thought was a bit ridiculous. All publishers have different roles and they swear that that's the standard and I know it's not a standard because other companies are not doing it so that would make it not a standard. So I sit here book two in the works getting closer and closer book one a new cover and small edits and an update coming very soon. I will let you know on the show. So right now everybody have a most awesome and wonderful day. This is Benny Mailman saying you are rock you awesome humans of Earth.